Campus Events
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I participated in multiple events sponsored by Islam On Campus as I wanted to expand my global perspective past the negative portrayls by the media. I grew a fondness for the faith as they preached love, generosity, and kindness. I fasted and learned how they prayed, growing appreciative the more I learned.
Islam on Campus
The event was spectacular as I enjoyed the multiple performances they had arranged to showcase the diversity of Chinese and Chinese American cultures. I learned of the history of their hardships as they struggled to adjust to the United States and how Chinese-American connect to their culture after they assimilated in America.
Mid-Autumn Fest
I learned that Asian Americans share a universal experience when they would bring their mother country’s food to school and face societal pressures to assimilate to American cuisine, ultimately rejecting an important part of their culture and identity. The festival wanted to showcase the diversity of their food while reminding them that their childhood favorites are an important part of their culture.
Asian Food Fest
Gator Salsa teaches traditional Latin dance for free to anyone who wants to learn. As someone who is Colombian, salsa is a large part of my life. I would attend and connect with the other Latinx and non-Latinx students. Salsa gives an opportunity to express yourself in a way like never before and teaches confidence.
Gator Salsa
International Coursework

This course explores the totality of human experience on earth, as known through archaeology, from the beginnings of humankind into the present. Course content is not organized chronologically or regionally, but thematically, focusing on how humans have made themselves and their worlds in the past and continue to do so today.
It is an archaeological contribution to the anthropological question, “What makes us human?” Anthropological archaeology can inform us of where we come from, how we got to where we are today, and where we might be going in the future

This course provides an introduction to the study of human rights and culture. In addition to a general introduction to human rights theory and practice, the course provides an overview of anthropology’s engagement with human rights. The course scrutinized challenges related to the implementation of globally formulated human rights ideas into culturally diverse localities.
We critically explored key human rights concepts and studied texts that reflected the dominant theoretical discussions within the field, such as the relationship between universalism and relativism, individual vs. communal rights, and the origins of human rights.

JPT3500: Introduction to Japanese Culture
JPT 3500 is a broad introduction to Japanese culture. It included a survey of both premodern and modern Japan, as well as an introduction to research methods and critical methodologies for studying Japan. The course covered secondary readings about Japan as well as a selection of important primary texts.
In addition to learning specific historical/cultural knowledge, I developed the skills to analyze and use primary source materials, evaluate secondary source materials, and conduct meaningful research on Japan. All readings were in English, no knowledge of Japanese was required.

VTT3500: Vietnamese Culture
The course closely examines how modern Vietnamese society and its culture were formed over the course of its history using various aspects such as arts, architecture, Romanized script, education, literature, trading patterns, missionary activities, and wars.
In particular, through tracing and discussing important historical, social, and political elements, we identified which traits the Vietnamese culture shares with other communities of wet-rice growers in Southeast Asia, described how Vietnam has been integrated into the cultural system of Eastern Asia, including Japan and Korea, under the strong influence of China, andanalyzed how modern Vietnamese society embraces Western culture through trade, Catholicism and colonization.