About Me
Caitlin M. Coote
From a young age, I’ve been exposed to rich, multicultural experiences. As someone who is half Colombian, half-American, I’ve grown up valuing both aspects of my identity. I learned to appreciate the differences and grew willing to experiment with new things with an open mind.
Being able to experience and see the beauty of two vastly different cultures piqued my interest in discovering more about the diverse countries around the world. This feeling of curiosity and appreciation was nurtured through the unwavering support of my parents and the development of friendships with international students.
I became comfortable in the unknown and I sought out meaningful experiences with communities I wasn’t a part of. Through each interaction, I became more aware of cultural differences and gained a much more open and inclusive perspective of the world. I continue to immerse myself in different cultures and solidify global connections.

I am a recent graduate of the University of Florida, with a degree in Anthropology and a minor in Asian Studies. My focus lies in cultural anthropology, which focuses on how people who share a common culture construct the world around them and how their ideas, customs, and behaviors create a unique identity. I plan on continuing my education and combining my degree with a Master’s in Journalism in order to appropriately promote cultural awareness while investigating social customs and issues in other countries. My goal is to bring awareness to global issues through an unconventional lens.
My goal is to continue to promote cultural diversity and encourage acceptance of differences in these divisive times. I will continue to dedicate my time to help give a voice to those underrepresented communities and positively influence everyone I come across throughout my life.
This portfolio is an extension of my work within the International Scholars Program at the University of Florida to showcase my personal and global perspectives. Click below to view my resume.